🇩🇰💰 Become Financially Independent in Denmark
Build and grow your investment portfolio from 0 to 1.000.000+ kr and transform it into a sustainable, money-making machine. Without devoting your life to crunching numbers 😉.
Get Access Now🔥 Go Inside My Investing & Money Management System
If we haven't met, Hi - I'm Mario 👋 and I’ve a fancy job in Maersk, run a side business, wrote two books, and traveled to 140+ different countries, all while building an investment portfolio in the millions. (And have kids too!)
💥 Making It Happen to YOU
- This will be specific — I include the exact concepts, systems and examples you can use right now.
- This will be fast — it is 3+ hours of new material that you can apply immediately. You can take it at your own pace and revisit it whenever you want.
- This will be incredibly practical — if you’ve already tried a laundry list of random hacks and "trying harder" and you want to go straight to the point to what truly works, this course will give you the exact actionable steps you need to take.
- How is it possible that the rich pay less in taxes than you do? And what do they know that the average investor doesn’t?
- Why are expats in Denmark always “cheated” by obscure rules and regulations? And what can you do about that?
- What is the easiest way to get started with investing?
- How can you get a million-kroner portfolio “automatically” — without spending too much time on it?
🦁 Create the Life You Want
🌍 Travel to 135+ countries
🧳 Choose my jobs because I like them and not because of the pay — e.g. I turned out offers for 50% more salary to avoid longer commutes, more work and/or what looked like boring colleagues
🎬 Build a very profitable and fun side hustle while working on it just four hours a week
💵 Have now more than ten years of expenses saved up. I could theoretically be without a job for that long and still keep my current lifestyle. (With all the peace of mind that comes with).
I've been living in Denmark for the past ten years, and credit my success to the strong and structured system – what I teach here! – that made all this possible

😢 It Wasn't So Glamorous Before
While only in my mid 30s, I’ve lived through more crises than most people go through in their lifetimes. It comes with growing up in Argentina:
🇦🇷 Hitting Bottom & Totally Broke
📉 In 2008, we got hit by the global financial crisis like all other countries: devaluation, higher unemployment, recession, etc.
😰 That job didn't work out (I quit/got fired after three days) and I plunged myself into the darkest, deepest hole I have ever been at.
I not only had zero (or negative) savings, but also gained weight and was even the only single guy among my friends.
I don’t want to sound too dramatic, but being broke in South America is not cool.
On a dark, winter morning -- the day after officially quitting that job, I decided that I will never have money problems again. I'll turn the page over.
🇩🇰 The Path to Recovery
🖥 It was then that I launched my first business -- for which I worked incredibly hard, and was pretty lucky with: it turned enough profit for me to live vs. getting an entry level job.
I used the business as a springboard to move to Denmark, studied entrepreneurship in CBS and at school got my first job in Maersk as an intern.
📚 In parallel, I decided to learn and research about money, investing, building wealth, and achieving financial independence. I was on a mission to live my dreams.
👉 My Mission to You
I want you to:
- Have the ability to take care of yourself and the people around you
- Attract the people, things and experiences that you want to have your life
- Save for the bad times, all while spending without guilt and investing with conviction
- I want you to never have to worry about money again.
🤯 The Denmark Complications
- The highest capital gains (i.e. investing) taxes in the world -- at a whopping 42-45%
- TWO types of taxation, and a list for SKAT (in Excel, lol) that says which fund will pay which type of taxes
- "Unrealized Gains" cases -- where you pay taxes on your investment gains even if you didn't sell (!)
- Few platforms/investment brokers that are willing to do all the paperwork for SKAT
- ...even EXIT FEES when you leave the country
BUT - Even with all that, you can still achieve financial independence in Denmark.
You just need to know which buttons to push, where to focus, what to prioritize... Hence this course.
To show you how complicated it is...
😱 If you get the wrong asset you could end up paying thousands more in taxes.

🔎 Searching for Solutions
I poured over 200+ books, interviewed experts and took a multitude of online courses.
The gist: it’s no surprise that successful smart people spend lots of time focused on their money.
The solutions they come up with are brilliant and often counterintuitive. The hard part is finding people who will actually share their methodology.
In this course, I share the condensed and specific material.
Who's This For? 👇
🍵 People Serious About Becoming Financially Independent
✅ You are an expat in Denmark or a Dane that is serious about investing for the long-term
✅ You want to to become financially independent in your 30s or 40s
✅ You want to do things right – but want to pay as little tax as legally possible
✅ You want to know your optimal allocation between housing, investing stocks and other assets
✅ You want to save time and money by following a proven step-by-step investment system
✅ You've your "act together" and just need a guiding hand to help you prepare in a structured and straight-forward way
👉 You're aware you're about to spend thousands of your live savings and want to go the extra mile to make sure that you couldn't have done better.
💀 Who's the Course NOT for?
❌ You're looking for a magic bullet that will cause your life to dramatically improve without any effort. There's no secret here. It's just about putting in the work and stacking the deck in your favor in whatever way you can.
❌ You want to "get rich quick" and expect life-changing results in just one or two years.
❌ You've no savings and no job and high expectations. If that's your case, wait until you're in a stronger position. I won't be able to help you until then.
597 kr. or 3 Payments of 199 kr.
🇩🇰💰 The Ultimate Investing in Denmark Course
40+ Lessons, Sections & Toolkits
GET ACCESS NOW🔐 Lock In The Cheap Price
I update the course regularly, and with each update add new sections, videos, spreadsheets, Q&As and a lot more.
The updates are free for anyone who bought the course.
But each time I update the course, the price for new buyers goes up.
🌟 100% Satisfaction Guarantee - No Risk, Money-Back Promise
I want the investment in this course to be an absolute no-brainer for you. If you don't find the course useful, drop me an email within 30 days of buying the course and I'll happily refund your full payment.
❤️ The Wall of Love
Buyers say very nice things about my courses. Here’s what quite a lot of them had to say.
📚 What Is Included in the Course
The course is divided into five modules with 30+ video lessons (all with transcripts!), including:
💥 Module 1 - Intro
🤑 Module 2 - Financial Independence
💰 Module 3 - Investing Basics
🇩🇰 Module 4 - Investing in Denmark Deep Dive
🗺 Module 5 - Conclusion and Q&A
☀️ Bonus - See Behind the Scenes My Own Investment Portfolio
(This alone is worth the price of the course!)
☀️ Bonus: New Content From Summer 2023!
The course is continuously updated (for free, no subscription bs), and the latest update this summer added:
- How to approach market downturns (as it happened in 2022)
- The two things you must absolutely do (and get in order!) before you start investing
- The Warren Buffett Compound Interest handbook
- The Top 9 Finance Apps in Denmark -- the exact ones I use myself
- Full-on community platform to connect and ask questions to me and other buyers
Plus further explanations on tricky topics as e.g. the Positiv Liste from SKAT.
These updates - again - are all for free .I just raise the price of the course for the new buyers with each update 😉.
🔥 By the end of the course....
You'll have kickstarted your investing journey (if you haven't yet) and automated your finances
You'll have learned my exact asset allocation, the exact funds I use, and most important, the strategy behind WHY I organize my investments this way
You'll have learned the exact strategies you need to use to minimize your taxes while still going for maximum returns
You'll learn what multi-millionaires know about investing, spending money, risk, saving, and freedom that 98% of people don't
You'll understand the various investing options available and you'll learn how to use them to earn passive income.
You'll have access to the exact same dashboards, metrics and templates I use to track all my financials
❤️ What Happy Viewers and Readers Say on YouTube

☀️ Bonus - Financial Independence Dashboards Included
FIRE Dashboard 🔥
This sheet calculates how much you are worth and how that worth is calculated.
Net worth calculator, with month-to-month progression
Net worth allocation graphs
Financial Independence journey calculator, with the "retirement year" check

Savings Rate Calculator 💳
The one KEY metric for Financial Independence is your Savings Rate. You MUST know what your Savings Rate is, and this sheet will calculate it for you.
- "Level 1" and "Level 2" savings rate outlines
- 6 Scenarios (and expansion potential for more!)
Cashflow Projection 📊
Know how your finances progress from month to month, for greater control.
- Ultra-detailed month-to-month budgeting option
- The same sheet I have used since 2014!

💬 Frequently Asked Questions
🖥 How long will I get access to the course?
🇩🇰 I don't live in Denmark. Will this course still help me?
🍎 I know NOTHING about investing, will this help me?
🌏 I only have 1.000 kr month to start investing, is it enough?
💶 Will you give me stock picking advice?
💻 What technical equipment do I need to access this course?
👾 How will I get support?
💌 Start Your Journey to Financial Independence
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, you can always reach out to me via email (see the purple bubble) or Twitter or YouTube or anywhere 😀. I'll be happy to help!
Get Access Now